Opal & Pluto – update and photo


We received this wonderful Happy Tail update about Opal and Pluto, who are now Bo and Missy

Hi, just wanted to say that they are doing awesome and we love them. They bring lots of joy to our house. Just wish we knew more about them because of some of the things that they do it is like someone worked with them and trained them. They are so close and how they look out for each other. They love to play out doors and chase birds and tree the squirrels in the back yard. We play keep away with toys and just run the back yard. Bo loves to tug at Missy to get her off of the step. He is always trying to bite her on the leg or ear just anything to get her to play with him. But come nap time they make themselves at home and nap where ever they want:} They also like to get into Rick’s garden beds and check out the radishes and cucumbers. They are really a joy and are loved.

This makes our hearts happy 

Lily was adopted!

Lily (Adopted Doggy)

Happy Tail!  Darling Lily has found an amazing forever home. They live right next to a trail and work a lot from home so she’ll get lots of walks and attention. Her people are loving her already and she’s giving them all her best love and snuggles. Happy dance!! 😄

Annie was adopted!

Annie (Mini Schnauzer) adopted

Happy Tail!   Bill lost his beloved pup in February and was so lonely without a little pal. He lives in a retirement community that embraces its residents having pets, so he fostered Annie for a few weeks and fell in love. The adoption became final today! Happy dance for Bill and Annie!! 

Jolene was adopted

Jolene (Mini Schnauzer) adopted

A special Mother’s Day Happy Tail!   A wonderful woman who has adopted a number of elderly and special needs dogs from us lost one recently. She decided that Jolene was the perfect new friend to fill the void. So an extra special happy dance for these ladies!!