A lovely message from our friend Luka…

Luka Rescue a Dog
Give the gift of adopting your new best friend 
Luka here. This Season is so filled with magic, Humans being nicer to eachother and such. I just have one wish… anyone considering buying a puppy for Christmas, please consider a shelter dog. I know I’m preachin’ to the choir here, so please remind your friends…who’s with me?

Boomer was adopted!

Boomer (Schnauzer) Adopted

 Happy Tail!!  Remember young Boomer? Well, shortly after we posted his photo, he found his forever home . His mom has had 3 black minis over the years, and says that her life feels complete once more with “Boom chick a Boom” in it. We love to hear that, and will do a special happy dance to celebrate Boom and his new family!