Claire was adopted!

Claire (Parti Schnauzer Adopted)

Happy Tail  Claire found a wonderful forever home this weekend! She has a new mom and dad and some really loving and nice teenage and college-age human siblings. She also has a new fur-sister, Lily, who was a puppy mill mama, so a bit shy. Lily and Claire were already having a great time exploring their large backyard together when we drove away. Happy dance for these new sisters! 

Spike was adopted!

Spike (Schnauzer adopted!)

Happy Tail The award for first adoption of 2015 goes to….Spike!!! Hurray for this cute little senior guy. Spike waited just a bit longer than he wanted for his forever family, but the wait was sure worth it….he has a new mom AND two canine siblings, Mario and Gordon. Exuberant happy dance for little Spike