One more preview of a dog coming to our rescue later in the month. Rocky is 14 years old. This poor boy was abandoned by his owner and left with a roommate who had two large dogs. The big dogs were not nice to Rocky so the roommate surrendered him to the kind folks at Petroglyph Animal Hospital in Albuquerque. A friend from our Facebook page contacted us about him and she will be bringing him to Colorado in just over a week after he recuperates a bit more and the generous vets in New Mexico give him a much needed dental next week. In the meantime our friend Mary who brought him to our attention arranged for her bestie Jennifer to foster Rocky, so as of last night Rocky went into a calm and loving foster home where he can relax for a week before his dental.
It truly takes a village in rescue, and we want to give a special thank you to Pat, the office manager at the vet clinic, Jennifer who is fostering, and Mary who made this all happen and who will escort Rocky to us when he’s ready. You ladies ROCKED it for Rocky!! 💕