❤️ Happy Tail!
❤️ This is a special story about second chances and being in the right place at the right time. Chico, who became Paxton, was adopted last summer by a family who drove to Colorado to meet and adopt him. Well, sadly their family situation fell apart recently and they contacted us to take him back (which is exactly what we ask people to do!). The challenge was then figuring out how to get him back. We started reaching out to contacts we knew to begin the transport process then recalled that another former adopter lived fairly close. We called them and they immediately went to get Paxton for us with plans to foster him until we could figure out a plan. Well, this amazing and loving couple who had fairly recently lost their beloved doggie immediately fell in love with Paxton, and the rest is history!
💕Paxton is living the high life with daily visits to the dog park where his people call him the sheriff. They report: “He is definitely the boss at the dog park. Everyone laughs at him checking in the new arrivals at the gate and very vocally telling them what the rules are. If a big dog starts messing with a little dog he’ll protect the little one. I do believe he’s unpacked his suitcase and settled in for the duration.”
Happy second chance dance! 🎉