Along with all the rain Colorado is seeing, it’s also raining schnauzers in our rescue. We are seeking additional foster families in order to make room for more pups in need. If you are interested in fostering, please submit an application (the application is the same for both fosters and adopters). We especially need fosters in the Denver area. Thank you!
Rescue News
Lola and Bruiser – update and photo
Love it! It’s not been a week yet and we have made a ton of progress with all of them getting along. This couldn’t have happened the first few days. Glad to report all is going very well. They are awesome pups! Lola the Queen holds court.
Marty McFly – update and photo
Here is rescue alum – Marty McFly – wishing everyone a Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Dunkirk’s leg surgery updates
Wondering what’s up with sweet Dunkirk? We have updates. Read on… 02/20/2015 – Here is Dunkirk taking his last pre-surgery jaunt in the grass, waiting for sedation, and seeing the surgeon coming in. Dunkirk’s surgery to …
Ben – photo and update
The adorable Ben came from our rescue. Looks like he’s pretty darn happy and comfy. Love those ears!!
Ben says “I’m staying warm in mom’s bed.”
Running Bear and his paw-some foster home!
Running Bear has joined a wonderful foster home and we are getting updates on his progress that we want to share. Fostering is critical to rescues – the foster dog gets to learn how to …
About Fozi Bear… :)
Fozi’s mom (and Facebook admin) checking in……… It’s been 2 weeks since we said goodbye to little Fozi, and you all have grieved with us. I promise I will reply to each of your incredibly …
Avah – update and photo