Shotzie has been adopted!
🤗 This young lady is a member of the National Junior Honor Society. She needed to complete some community service with a nonprofit, and she’s a schnauzer lover, so she chose us! This is the same kind soul who asked for dog treats and toys for her birthday then she gifted them to dogs in our rescue who were waiting to be adopted
💓 For this assignment she was put in charge of Shotzie for the day. She and her mom transported Shotzie from Denver to Colorado Springs, she helped with his photo shoot, and she kept an eye on him all morning, before bringing him back to Denver. What a special young lady!! She was also so touched by our special needs pup, Spitz, that she’s considering starting a Facebook page just for him. Just when you worry about the future, someone like this comes along and restores your faith that we are in good hands in the future.
PS: Shotzie found his forever home the day after his photo shoot!!